Unlock your company's potential. Now.

You've set up your business. You've marketed your services. You've done what's in your power to bring your company to where it is. Growth is your next step. Take a leap! Join one of our Programs and Go for your dream!

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Reduce errors across your business.


Simplify your activities.

Self Growth

Create the leader that will lead your company tomorrow.

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Tools that will Unlock your Growth.


Stick to the One Thing! Stay Focused!


Invest your time where it is most valuable.


Errors are the best keys to optimise growth.


Whatever your industry, 
we, entrepreneurs, all face the same changes 
and all have BIG dreams!

What I've learned.

Whether you want to onboard a new team member, sell your business or manage a rough path, detailed, precise and updated internal documentation is one of THE most valuable foundations of your company. 

Focus on the essential: creating value for your company. As you set up the adequate processes, you'll add more time to do what you do best, whether its making sales, growing your network, developing your communication or however your magic works! 

The entrepreneur that has brought you here is not the same that set up your company on Day 1 and is definitely not the one that will be leading tomorrow! Shape and create your leadership to drive your company into its next step.

 The Microsteps Method

You are not the same person the day you launch your company compared to a year later, and even further down the line.

If you want to progress, evolve, and create a new dynamic for your business, it all starts with the foundations.

The Microsteps Method is based on micro-changes, both personally and professionally. Let me explain. 

The foundations of your business are crucial for growth—however, the processes, the documentation, the entire structure cannot be built in one day. Your business is like a house: you can build it or renovate it to improve it, but make sure to have solid foundations.

Similarly, the person you are when you launch your business is not the person you are a year later. However, you can decide to move towards this future self by creating a new mindset and new daily habits aligned with your vision, enabling you to lead your business in your own image.

My goal is to facilitate the setting up of foundations for your business and for yourself, with no complexity and with all my support.​

Discover my free masterclass here where I'll share more about Documentation, Processes and Self Growth!

My name is

Pauline Dubois.

Founder & CEO of Microsteps

I launched my first business at the age of 26. As a ex-financial auditor working at a large BIG 4 Corporation, I structured my first company to sail against all waters. Within 8 years, I onboarded employees and freelances, successfully sold a portion of my shares to an investor, went through the COVID pandemic and finally successfully again sold my Startup to a French listed-company. 

Empowering entrepreneurs has always driven me: I coach struggling entrepreneurs, assist ambitious business leaders in laying the foundations for their business growth, and facilitate conferences on the same topic. In 2023, I delivered my first TEDx talk on the theme of mental health. A mother of three children, in a relationship, I emphasize the importance of priorities in business and personal well-being. 

Today, if our paths have crossed, it's because You're ready! And I am ready to support you!

Join our Program

What you can expect in our programs & services

woman walking on pathway during daytime


  • Clear documentation
  • Organized Intranet
  • Internal & External 
  • Check-list
  • Ideal for: Structuring your company, onboarding, scaling, selling, improving your processes
pink and white wireless headphones


  • Mindset Growth
  • Powerful habits
  • Focus & Priorities
  • Ideal for: Leading your company for growth, setting strong personal foundations, prepping for success

two women using laptops


  • Review of processes
  • Automatisation
  • Simplification
  • Tools
  • Ideal for: Increasing sales, connecting with leads, simplifying your admin & accounting

Discover our newest Online program: 
"Foundations for Growth" 


This is a kind reminder:

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a simple step.